How Quantitative EEG Has Modernized Mental Health Diagnosing

How Quantitative EEG Has Modernized Mental Health Diagnosing

Quantitative electroencephalography (quantitative EEG) is a brain mapping technique that measures brain activity. It does so by analyzing brain wave patterns and thought processes. This technology allows mental health professionals to accurately diagnose and treat mental health disorders with quantitative data.

The Background of Quantitative EEG

Hans Berger was the first scientist to use quantitative EEG brain mapping on a human in 1929. In the mid 20th century Ross Adey led a group of researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles to digitize the brain mapping process. Berger laid the foundation for mental health applications of quantitative EEG, but Adey and his team made the process applicable to modern medicine.

How Does Quantitative EEG Operate?

This type of brain mapping uses electrodes that are placed on the head and body of the patient. The electrodes measure the biosignals given off by the brain – including voltage fluctuations. The software developed by Adey and his team is the tool that maps the brain activity. Quantitative EEG mapping shows any patterns in brain activity, indicating different emotions, feelings, traumas, and mental health conditions such as anxiety or bipolar disorder. Sharp spikes or waves are considered abnormal and could indicate something wrong with the brain.

Quantitative EEG Modernized the Mental Health Industry

Quantitative EEG has made it easier to diagnose mental health conditions. The brain mapping is reliable and consistent, and can even show progression of a diagnosis throughout treatment. This technology enables psychiatric professionals to monitor the brain’s behavior in different scenarios such as while sleeping or recalling traumas from the past. The brain maps built from the testing gives a visual representation of a client’s brain activity and how they perceive the world around them. Quantitative EEG has increased the ability for providers to give high quality care and accurate diagnoses. 

A treatment team will use quantitative EEG multiple times throughout treatment beyond diagnosis. It allows doctors to see how the brain is responding to treatment and medications. The entire treatment team can chart their patient’s progress with concrete, quantitative data. This is more reliable than qualitative data like thoughts and feelings. All information yielded in quantitative EEG brain mapping informs individualized treatment plans. 

Find a Quantitative EEG Provider You Trust 

Quantitative EEG is not a method that all mental health providers can offer. The admissions team at Sobriety Options will help you find a treatment center that offers Quantitative EEG and is licensed to do so. If you or someone you know could benefit from quantitative EEG brain mapping for mental health conditions give us a call and we’ll help you get on the right path. We work with your insurance coverage and personal needs to ensure you’re placed in the right treatment program.

About Sobriety Options 

Sobriety Options is open 24/7 to provide support and care for those seeking substance abuse or mental health treatment. A branch of Solution Based Treatment, we serve as a central admissions office for seven different branches throughout Southern California. Our team is able to help you find the best sober living option for yourself or your loved one to help them get the care they need. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (855) 485-0071.

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