Impacts of Marijuana on Mental Health

Impacts of Marijuana on Mental Health

Marijuana is often thought of as a “safe” drug. Although it is not a fatal drug like heroin or opioids, marijuana is still addictive. The substance can have lasting impacts on the brain and overall mental health, especially when consumed at a young age. Understanding the impacts of marijuana on mental health will help promote safe consumption. 

Understanding the Drug 

Marijuana is a plant product and includes the dried leaves and flowers from the Cannabis plant. The primary active ingredient that causes effects is THC. Cannabis comes in several different forms and can be consumed through different methods. The main methods of marijuana consumption include smoking it, vaporizing it, and ingesting it. 

Marijuana and Psychosis

Marijuana has been found to increase the likelihood of a user developing psychosis and/or schizophrenia. Although scientists and researchers are still determining the link between marijuana and schizophrenia, the link does exist. It’s important to note however, that not everyone who consumes cannabis will develop psychosis or schizophrenia. But, consuming cannabis does increase the chances of being vulnerable to mental health conditions. 

Cannabis and Depression

People who partake in marijuana may be more likely to develop depression. When consumed in large quantities, marijuana can cause long-term, acute depression. Cannabis use is also associated with suicidal thoughts, actions, or attempts. This is especially more common in individuals who have previous depression or bipolar diagnoses. 

Impacts of Marijuana on Brain

Marijuana has both immediate and long-term effects on the brain. When THC is consumed, it enters the bloodstream, reaching the brain and other organs. This distribution is one reason why marijuana can be effective for managing widespread pain. However, when consumed in edible form, it takes longer for the effects to be felt.

Short-term effects of cannabis on the brain include:

  • Altered perception of reality
  • Distorted sense of time
  • Changes in mood and behavior
  • Impaired motor skills
  • Reduced problem-solving and comprehension abilities
  • Poor memory retention

These are the most common short-term effects, but consuming large amounts can lead to hallucinations, delusions, and, in severe cases, psychosis.

In the long term, marijuana can have more profound effects, particularly when used during adolescence (before the age of 25). When consumed during these formative years, marijuana can interfere with brain development. This risk is increasing as THC potency rises with marijuana’s growing mainstream popularity.

Find Marijuana Addiction Treatment Near You

Although cannabis use is not held in the same regard as harder drugs like heroin or methamphetamine, it still requires addiction treatment to break free. Typically, detox is not needed  for marijuana, but there may still be an uncomfortable withdrawal process with intense cravings. If you or someone you know is in need of marijuana addiction treatment, give Sobriety Options a call. We can get you placed into a facility that meets your needs and is covered by your insurance.

About Sobriety Options 

Sobriety Options is open 24/7 to provide support and care for those seeking substance abuse or mental health treatment. A branch of Solution Based Treatment, we serve as a central admissions office for seven different branches throughout Southern California. Our team is able to help you find the best sober living option for yourself or your loved one to help them get the care they need. For more information visit our website at or give us a call at (855) 485-0071.

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