Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction

Understanding Prescription Drug Addiction

Prescription drug addiction happens when one becomes dependent on a substance to feel “normal.” This can happen with prescriptions prescribed to you or by abusing prescriptions prescribed to someone else. Some of the most commonly abused prescription medications include muscle relaxers, painkillers or narcotics, stimulants, opioids, and more. 

How Do People Access Prescription Drugs in Addiction

When in prescription drug addiction, people will obtain their substance of choice either on the street or by “doctor shopping.” Doctor shopping occurs when someone goes to multiple doctors with an ailment in order to gain multiple prescriptions – giving a supply of drugs for abuse. What can start as a prescription for a painkiller or muscle relaxer for a real condition can spiral into prescription drug addiction. 

Signs of Prescription Drug Addiction 

Prescription drug addiction can be hard to spot. Many people struggling with prescription addiction often hide behind the excuse of a real condition, and use it to deflect any attention away from their substance abuse. Common signs of prescription drug addiction include: 

  • Nausea
  • Slowed breathing & heart rate
  • Drowsiness
  • Poor motor skills
  • Slurred speech
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep issues
  • Mood swings

The exact side effects and signs of addiction will vary depending on the substance being abused, but these are some of the most common prescription drug addiction signs. If you recognize any of these signs in a loved one it is important to take action promptly to help them get the treatment they need. Support during addiction, detox, recovery, and lifetime sobriety makes a huge difference in outcomes.

Getting Treatment for Prescription Drug Addiction

Finding treatment for prescription drug addiction can be challenging. The hardest part is accepting and acknowledging that there is a problem. 

The first step in treatment is detox – most prescription drugs must be detoxed from the body using medical detox to reduce pain and suffering. Medically supervised detox is the safest, most effective way to rid the body of drugs and alcohol.

Once detox is complete, patients will enter the rehabilitation phase. This often includes residential addiction treatment, and is followed by intensive outpatient treatment or partial hospitalization programs.

After participants complete rehab, they continue on their sobriety journey with more independence. Sobriety Options has the ability to place you within one of our many high-quality sober living facilities where you can build community and life with like-minded people.

Sobriety is a lifelong commitment and prescription drug addiction treatment provides coping mechanisms and skills to change one’s mindset and stay sober.

About Sobriety Options 

Sobriety Options is open 24/7 to provide support and care for those seeking substance abuse or mental health treatment. A branch of Solution Based Treatment, we serve as a central admissions office for seven different branches throughout Southern California. Our team is able to help you find the best sober living option for yourself or your loved one to help them get the care they need. For more information visit our website at sobrietyoptions.com or give us a call at (855) 485-0071.

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